Camley Street Nature Garden. London. Butterflies & Birds & 100s of spikes of Ivy Broomrape. 26.06.23
Fairlight Glen; from the Dripping Well to the Beach. Ferns, Bryophytes and Lichen. 19.06.23
Lichens, inc. Bunodophoron melanocarpum, & bryophytes in a South East oceanic microclimate. 22.05.23
Scotland 2: Temperate rain forest fragments around Tobermory, Mull 09.05.23 & 11.05.23
Scotland 1: Dunollie Woods, Oban; temperate rain forest. 08.05.23 & 09.05.23
Crowborough Country Park & Crowborough Ghyll. Frogs, Bryophytes & Dinosaurs. 24.02.23
Fairlight Glen; a ghyll wood and its bryophytes. Hastings Country Park. 07 & 10.02.23
Lichen, Bryophytes & Fungi. Marline Valley Nature Reserve, Hastings. 31.01.22
Lichens, Bryophytes, Fungi and Birds. Waterhall Nature Reserve & The Devil's Dyke. 23.01.23
Eridge Rocks: A wonderland of lichen, fungi, moss, liverworts and slime moulds. 04.01.23
Eridge Park (SSSI) East Sussex; Lichen, Bryophytes, Fungi and Landscape. 23.12.22
Winter Suite: the species and landscape of Seaford Head and Cuckmere Haven at dusk. 08.12.22
Church Wood LNR & Marline Valley NR, Hastings. Woods, Ghylls, Fungi, Lichen & Bryophytes. 05.12.22
Harrison Rocks/Birchden Wood. Fungi, Lichen, Moss, Liverworts & Slime Mold. 26.11.22
Lake Wood, Uckfield. A "Picturesque" landscape. Trees, Rocks, Lichen & Bryophytes. 22.11.22
24.10.22/2. A Crimson-Speckled Moth & Fungi, Lullington Heath National Nature Reserve.
Whitehawk Hill and then a walk from Crowlink to Beachy Head; Birds, Butterflies & Views. 20.08.22
Box Hill - Juniper Top. Silver-Spotted Skippers & Silver-Washed Fritillaries. 08.08.22
Butterflies & Birds at Hutchinson Bank, New Addington & Reigate Hill. 06.08.22
The Landscape, Flora & Fauna of Lower Greensand and Chalk; Leith Hill to Ranmoor Common. 02.08.22