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A chilly afternoon at Cuckmere Haven. 26.11.26

Writer's picture: Sim ElliottSim Elliott

On Friday 26,11,21 I made my now usual trip to Cuckmere Haven, getting the 12X from Brighton to Exceat. It was a very chilly afternoon, and the partially cloudy, partially sunny weather produced some beautiful skies.

I walked down the path to the east of the Cuckmere, starting at the Seven Sisters County Park. I walked across the dyke that separates the northern oxbow lake to the lower oxbow lake; then I walked round the saltwater pool (anticlockwise) and back up the main path. I alternate between walking this walk (which affords good views over the lakes, but poor view of the river) and walking the paths on the western side of the Cuckmere, down by the riverside and back on the Vanguard path (which affords good views if the river and its bank but less good views of the oxbow lakes). In the summer I can walk both sides in one visit, but in a winter afternoon there is only time to do one side, as it got dark by 16.00 yesterday.

This is what I saw: ca. 20 Little Egrets; a Kestrel; ca. 50 Dunlin; ca. 10 Oystercatchers; ca. 100 Black-Headed Gulls; some Herring Gulls; ca. 10 Rock Pipits; ca. 10 Carrion Crows; ca. 20 Redshanks; 5 Little Grebes; ca. 20 Teal, a Stonechat. When I walk the other side at this time of year I see roughly the same birds, except less Dunlin, but I often also see Curlew, Black-Tailed and many large Black-Backed Gulls, Herring Gulls and Canada Geese (who collect in pre-roost agglomerations on the meadows and marshes of the east side of the river_.

The Carrion Crows and and a Little Egret

Grey Heron

Little Grebes

Oystercatcher landing

Oystercatchers and Redshanks

Grey Heron

Starlings flying over Little Grebes and a Mite Swan

Little Grebes and a Mute Swan

Grey Heron

Oystercatchers, Redshanks and a Black Headed Gull

Black Headed Gull and Teal

Little Egret


Coastguard Cottages

Oxbow Lake

Rock Pipit

Saltwater Pool


Looking north; oxbow lake

Black Headed Gulls

Mute Swans

Little Egrets

Redshanks and Little Egrets, saltwater marsh


Redwing in flight

Toward the Haven

Banks of the Cuckmere, and marsh to left

Little Egret


Black Headed Gull

Black Headed Gull and Redshanks in flight


Magpie with leucitic patch on neck

Saltwater pool and the beginning of the Seven Sisters

Black Headed Gull



Shoveler and Redshanks

Black Headed Gull, Little Ere, Redshank and Shelduck

Shelduck and Redshanks

Toward the Seven Sisters

Little Egret


Cuckmere Haven beach

WWII defences

Coastguard Cottages


Tripleurospermum maritimum, a species of flowering plant in the aster family commonly known as false mayweed or sea mayweed




A portrait of me, Sim Elliott

Sim Elliott

Writing and Photography on
Nature and Conservation

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